Wireless & Satellite Networks Have Limited Capacity

Network operators need to expand capacity by 5-10x to offer mass market Home Internet

Siden frees capacity by removing
video traffic from the network

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Working with Siden can have
immediate impacts

  • 4G

  • Uses Existing Network
  • Fast User Speeds
  • Unlimited Video Playback
  • National Deployment
  • Minimal Investment to Deploy
  • 5G

  • Uses Existing Network
  • Super Fast User Speeds
  • Unlimited Video Playback
  • National Deployment
  • Minimal Investment to Deploy
  • Fiber

  • Operator Needs to Lay Fiber
  • Super Fast User Speeds
  • Unlimited Video Playback
  • Market by Market Deployment
  • Extremely Costly to Lay Fiber

with Siden

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